
Media & Reviews

With all the buzz surrounding our wort chillers, we decided to put some of our favorite media spots front and center so you could easily find them.

"I thought the results of the Exchilerator Maxx speed test trials were pretty astonishing, not only was this the quickest I'd ever chilled wort before, but it was done with warm groundwater. While such hasty chilling times are likely the best feature of the ExChilerator Maxx, it has some other rad things going for it as well."

- We love Brulosophy and all the fantastic content they produce! From their exbeeriments to sound brewing advice and equipment reviews, if you have not checked them out we highly suggest you do!

testing the Maxx counterflow wort chiller with the test setup from Brulosophy.com

"The Exchilerator is an awesome piece of equipment.I can run the Exchilerator for 4 minutes or my immersion chiller for 15-20. It's also one less thing I have to submerge in the kettle which is a great benefit, especially for electric brewing. The thought of clogging this thing, especially with a hoppy NEIPA, never even crossed my mind."

Hazy and Hoppy is a great source for brew reviews, recipes, and detailed information about brewing NEIPA's! You can view the detailed review of our counterflow chiller HERE !

Exchilerator counter flow wort chiller on the table at Hazy and Hoppy

"it was actually cooling the wort below the temperature i wanted to pitch at pretty fast. I was shooting for the upper 60°F range, it was actually going down into the 50's and dropping quick."

- We are huge fans of Larry and highly recommend his site and channel. He is an accomplished brewer, fantastic pit boss, and a great resource! We were pretty tickled seeing how fast our wort chiller dropped the temp with his springtime water!

"The Exchilerator is pretty spectacular. It dropped the water over 100 degrees F in the 29-seconds. It was done chilling after 2-mins. The results were so surprising that I re-ran the test to get a video because it didn't seem believable."

- We would like to thank someone as respected as Mr. Blagg for putting the Exchilerator Maxx through its paces. We are thrilled with the review and proud of the results!

Click here to read the review

We were thrilled when we got a call to be included in one of our favorite brewing magazines! We were then absolutely flattered that Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine nominated the Exchilerator as the "BestStuff" wort chiller in their 2017 Best Gear Guide!

Thanks Craft Beer & Brewing! We will continue to innovate, improve, and kill it year after year!

craft beer and brewing magazine review for exchilerator

Darin over at brew-boss.com produced this great review for us back in 2016. We loved his comments and are so glad he enjoyed using the Exchilerator Maxx with his fully automated, Android powered, electric brew system!

Brew Boss creates some fantastic automated electric brewing equipment and packages the exchilerator right into their bundles!

Wiregrass Brewing was one of the first micro breweries to put the Maxx to the test. Check out the end of the video where the proof is in the fermenter!

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